I can show the grandkids when I am a wrinkly ball bag, that once I was a smooth egg

Keywords: all posts , brain dumps , blog , blogging , event , facebook , holiday , instagram , life , lifestyle , party , photography , selfies , social-media , travel , vacation , wordpress

I’ve got it down to a fine art, whip my phone out and away again before any one has even noticed I have captured the moment completely candidly and now I have that memory saved on my phone. I’ve got pictures of my niece in the early days of her life, I’ve got moments of my Mum and I surfing, silly moments with friends, epic moments aboard.. You name it. I captured it.


Embracing The Gap


The LG Diaries

Diastema is what the gap or space between the teeth is referred to as, and can form anywhere in the mouth but are commonly formed between the upper front teeth.


If you have not yet met me in person, you might not know that I actually have a gap between my front teeth.  I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with my teeth and I never really post pictures where I show my teeth – back in the day, because I despised my teeth and now because I’ve gotten used to not showing them in pictures.  As a kid I never really noticed that my teeth were different from everyone else’s because having gap teeth as a kid was not considered abnormal, mostly due to the fact that people always just assumed that it would go away as you grow older or that you just had a missing tooth that would…

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